Avoid the British heatwave this summer by seeing some art. This year marks the 250th Summer exhibition, coordinated by the ever colourful Grayson Perry. Established in 1769, it is the world’s oldest open submission exhibition, merging both new talent and world renown artists.
Expect to see work from artists such as Banksy, Martin Parr and a £12.5m sculpture by comedian Joe Lycett. Our favourite by far was “View of Islington From a Tenth Floor”, by Melissa Scott-Miller. Idyllic and calm, the painstakingly small brush strokes make this view instantly recognisable. With our studio next door in Clerkenwell, it sums up how we see London every day.
This is an exhibition that strives to be inclusive of every genre of art, so be prepared for an array. We also liked Mike Perry’s “Underside of a Cardboard Box”. Initially seen as simplistic, when studied further it tells us a complex story about one single object that we often take for granted. Naturally, some will sit in the ‘it’s a white cardboard box’ camp, but we sit in the ‘What’s inside the fucking box!!??’ camp.
The exhibition is open until August 19th, with tickets priced at £18. And if you’re feeling flush, some of the artwork shown is available to buy, with the proceeds helping the next generation of budding artists. If you’re interested in young talent, take a look our collab with The Ingram Foundation.
To find out more about what we’re getting up to, make sure you’re following us on Instagram @juniorlondon